HOT ROAST BEEF OR TURKEY -Choice of french fries or mashed potatoes, gravy and coleslaw...
White Albacore tuna mixed with our house blend of creamy mayonnaise and spices, topped ...
Bacon, lettuce and tomatoes. Served on grilled Italian bread...
This sandwich is loaded with ham, egg, fries, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, bacon and ...
Generous amounts of corned beef, Swiss cheese and sauerkraut, served on grille...
Seasoned just hot enough to please your taste buds, with fried onions, peppers and side of ...
Fried chicken tenders with buffalo sauce served on a toasted Italian hoagie bun...
Lettuce, tomatoes, onion, pickles and mayo served on a toasted Italian hoagie bun...
Lettuce, tomatoes, onion, pickles and mayo. Served on a kaiser roll...